Michael Steil: Old Projects

Here are some of my older hobby and non-hobby projects:

Dynamic Re-compilation of Binary RISC Code for CISC Architectures

Summary: Diploma thesis, September 2004

Download: Dynamic Re-compilation of Binary RISC Code for CISC Architectures, PDF

DAB Radio based on the Cypress EZ-USB 8051 CPU

Summary: University Project, German, July 2002

Download: ez-usb-dab.zip, asm source code

Die L4-Mikrokern-Familie

Summary: University thesis about the L4 microkernel, German, April 2002

Download: Die L4-Mikrokern-Familie, PDF; Die L4-Mikrokern-Familie (Slides), PDF


Summary: University project about fax machines, German, May 2001

Download: Fax-Gerät (Slides), PDF

Fraktale Geometrie am Beispiel von Iterationen mit komplexen Zahlen

Summary: Facharbeit, German, January 1998

Download: Fraktale Geometrie am Beispiel von Iterationen mit komplexen Zahlen, PDF

Michael Steil, mist64@mac.com, PGP/GPG key; updated Dec 2014